Next time you're at the animal shelter or vet, watch as the staff there easily handles three or more dogs at once on a multi-dog leash. Of course, you can't help but notice the amount of hardware involved in creating a great multi-dog leash. When we think of a leash,...
What is a Trigger Snap?
Education is important to us here at Henssgen Hardware, and in this article we want to shine some light on the trusty Trigger Snap. Read on to learn just exactly what a trigger snap is, what makes it unique, and what a trigger snap is used for. You are likely more...
What Does WLL Mean and Why is it Important?
It can be confusing to decrypt all of these acronyms like SWL, NWL, WLL and MBS. But Henssgen Hardware is here for you, to educate you on terms like Working Load Limits and everything you need to know about our products. Safe Working Load, SWL, (or Normal Working...
How to Age Metals for that Distressed, Vintage Look
These days, it’s next to impossible NOT to find dozens of DIY methods of decorating, designing, updating or changing metals like brass, copper and pewter to achieve the desired look on furniture, lamps, doorknobs, drawer pulls – and just about anything else. Some...
The Latest News From Henssgen Hardware Online and Henssgen at the Tradeshow
Although we’ve been around for nearly 40 years, we’re not the best retail and wholesale hardware distributor because we’re one of the oldest. We’re one of the oldest because we are the best. We got that way by not resting on our laurels and always partnering with the...
Some Facts About “Eventing,” AKA the ‘Triathalon’ of the Equestrian World
Horse trials, otherwise known as “Eventing,” are often called the equestrian “triathalon.” The sport, which originated in cavalries in Europe as a way of gauging riding mastery, is a hugely popular sport and events can be found around the country and across the globe,...
Enjoying Summertime Fun While Staying Safe
Summertime is water sport season. Boating, jet-skiing, tubing, water-skiing and parasailing are just some of the many ways water and sun-loving fans enjoy sea, wind and surf. In the height of the summer season, seaside and lakeside resorts handle crowds of summertime...
Old Friends at Cabin Creek, in Greenfield, NY, Offers Home for Retired Thoroughbreds
It’s called the sport of kings, but far too often the majestic thoroughbreds that make up the royal family are sent off to slaughterhouses in Mexico or Canada, a cruel and unusual end to an all too short life of training, racing, and perpetuating bloodlines. It seems...
Swinging Through Summer
When it comes to summertime backyard entertainment for kids, there are so many more options than there were even ten years ago. The standard swing set and slide have taken a back seat to more creative equipment and backyard fun is only limited by your imagination....
Have the Right Hooks on Hand for Those Lazy Hazy Hammock Days
Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner. That means hardware store owners should be stocking up on the right S-hooks, rings, quick-release snap hooks, swivel hooks and chain links for hanging hammocks, kiddie swings, porch swings and planters. Before you...
Henssgen Hardware for Gym Equipment… Who Knew!
When Kathy Porcell, owner of Elevation Pilates in Glens Falls had to replace the hardware on her Pilates equipment, she thought her only option was to go back to the Pilates equipment manufacturer for the double-ended and single-ended clips and snap hooks she uses...
Before It’s ‘Anchors Aweigh’, Get Your Boat Ready for Summer Now
It looks like Spring has finally sprung in the Northeast. Crocuses and daffodils are beginning to submerge from their long subterranean slumber and soon gardens will be showing off their warm weather colors. Before you can say “April showers bring May flowers,” it...
Holsteins are the Thoroughbreds of the Dairy Industry
In 2016, Saratoga City Center played host to 75 male and female calves and more than 1,300 human attendees for the National Holstein Association’s annual conference. These animals were not your average heifers. In fact, the cows in attendance were literally...
What is Equine Therapy and Who Does it Help?
Hippotherapy is defined as “the use of horseback riding as a therapeutic or rehabilitative treatment, especially as a means of improving coordination, balance, and strength." There are many equine therapy programs across the country that are dedicated to helping...
Are you ‘Out of Your Element?’
Fun Facts About Brass! Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and is known for its resilience, strength, and high quality. It has been around and in use since ancient times, as both a decorative and utilitarian material. Changing the ratios of copper and zinc when...